Marvel Heroic Roleplaying goes Bye-Bye

From +Michael Hansen 's blog Solace of Savagery

As many of you have heard, Margaret Weis Productions will no longer be releasing products for their Marvel Heroic Roleplaying line. From the press release:
And in Marvel news… the economics of licensing a tie-in product is always something we have to weigh carefully. We brokered an admittedly ambitious license with Marvel. Our first event, CIVIL WAR, was successful and well received, but it didn’t garner the level of sales necessary to sustain the rest of the line. We’ve learned from this and are taking a very different approach with the other licensed properties we’re bringing out to you in the next three years. We believe we created a great game. Those of you that have supported us have been terrific, and we appreciate you. But, unfortunately, we will not be bringing any new product out under the Marvel line. We know this affects our customers. Those that have pre-ordered Annihilation will receive a full refund or a credit worth 150% of their Annihilation order to use on existing or future product.
You can read the full press release HERE.

Also RPGNow has all the PDF's from the other parts of the IP (Intellectual Property, for those who don't know the lingo...) on sale until the end of April.  So if there are any that you may be missing, you better run over here and get them before time runs out.

Personally though, I am saddened and disheartened by this news.  Marvel was going strong in the box office, and stands to do so again with Iron Man 3 and the new Thor and Captain America movies slated for release soon.  I would have thought the movie's success would transfer over to the RPG, but I guess  things are not always what they seem.  Taking on a project like this, is daunting, but I thought MWP, pulled it off.  IMO, though, producing such immense "Event Books" was not a sensible thing to do.  Break them up into smaller chunks, lower the price point on them, and you will probably sell more.  (This coming from an accounting background and remembering my cost accounting classes...)

This makes one think about taking on ambitious projects.  If MWP cannot make a brand profitable,  what chance does an independent guy like me have?

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